Friday, February 3, 2017

Sometimes life has a great way of working out!  I had planned a trip to Disney before I got laid off, so I went anyway.  AND... it was probably the best thing I could have done.  I got to see my sister for a bit, hang out with my nephews for a while, spend an afternoon with just my niece (which was so fun), spend time with friends and overall, just relax.  It was truly the best thing that I could have done.

Here are a few pics of my trip:

The BEACH!!! One of the best places on earth, even if it is freezing cold!

 And what do you think of my new boyfriend?  Just a random cast member that was kind enough to snap a pic with me.

My favorite ride, anywhere, is always the carousel. Mary Poppins, childhood, simplicity.  I just love it!

And finally, Dole Whip with my gorgeous niece.  Doesn't get any better than that!

Then I spent four days with my other sister and her two gorgeous kids...It was really a great week!

And NOW... I came back, interviewed for a job and got it!  That's right, I am no longer in the ranks of the unemployed!  Thanks go out to Kim at Franklin for taking a chance on me!

Even though life sometimes throws you curve balls, there is still joy to be found everyday and new experiences to be had.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

New Experiences

Never been laid off before... new experiences are good, right?  They said they were losing money, I knew that.  I thought that this would be happening.  I just didn't think it would happen this soon.  Its not that bad, right?  I mean, now I don't have to drive in the snow for the next three days.  I don't have to get anyone to cover a shift when I go to Disneyland next week, and I already have a lead on a few jobs.

And yes, I am going to Disneyland still.  I have planned at least 5 trips to Disney in the past few years and something always kills it.  I refuse to let this happen again!  I have the money, I get paid through the end of the month, I miss my family in California.  Even if I never set foot in the parks, I want to see my sister, so yes, I am still going.
(this may have been a pep talk to myself, you can ignore it if you want to).

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

The hard part is almost over...right?

They said the first two weeks were the hardest, they said it would get better.  I hope it does because I am dreaming about whipped cream princesses skating on hot chocolate.  I know the Whole 30 is going to help me address some of my food issues, help me be healthier for life.  I know this... but I dream about peach compote and being force-fed sugar cookies.  This can not be normal.... Five more days  till week three, five more days....

Monday, January 2, 2017

My Goals for 2017

1- Complete a Whole 30 program by Feb. 15.
    Plan: Make a menu each week.  Prep meals the day before.  Talk to support group regularly.

2- Run 2 5K races this year. One in the first 6 months, one in the second.
     Plan: Exercise 6 days a week.  Do something!  Evaluate with Tiffany to improve progress,                  schedule races well in advance and get on the calendar.

3- Visit each of my siblings at their home.
     Plan: Schedule visits in advance.

BONUS: Write on this blog at least once a week to improve accountability and discuss progress.


Welcome to a New Year!  🌝  I know it becomes cliche at this time to make resolutions, then quickly break them.  Its kind of fun, isn't it?  See if you can break a resolution faster than you did the year before.  I am really good at that.  Truth be told, the last few years I have actually been really good at keeping my resolutions, and the reason is, partly, because of The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin.  This book has gone the print version of viral (what is that: crazy, bestseller?).  I've reaad it three times and each reading give me more hope, courage and strength to pursue goals and achieve.  I don't actually follow the plan that she sets out in the book.  I tried that for a while and I FAILED harder than ever before.  So I used her principles to develop my own plan and over the years I have tweaked it.  I'll post my resolution (goal) ideas below but really I recommend reading the book and working on your own plans.  Everyone is different and should approach their goals in their own way.

I start by asking my self a couple of questions: Who am I? How can I be a better me?  These questions can be awkward and even painful to answer but I think self-reflection is important in life.  It not only helps us to find areas for improvement but if done correctly it allows us to see areas of success.  Don't forget to look at your achievements and recognize the positive parts of yourself.

After I identify (way too many) areas for growth, I start to narrow down the things I want to do.  I'll usually settle on two or three. I find that working on too many things at once just leads me down a path of darkness and failure.  As I am narrowing things down I ask myself two more questions:  Do I want to do this because I think I should or because I actually want to do it? Will this goal make me happier in the long run, even if I don't enjoy doing it?

Don't set  a goal just because you think you should.  Just because half the world tries to go to the gym as a resolution or go on a diet doesn't mean you should.  If your goal is to go to more museums, if that will make you happy, DO IT!  Setting goals you don't actually believe in will no help you at all. That being said, not all goals lead it instant happiness.  Organizing my closets is not my favorite thing, but when I am done with it, I feel happier.

After I settle on two or three goals I make a plan to achieve each one.  I think the plan is the most important part.  I set steps to do each day or each week, I schedule things into my planner.  This has helped me in the past to find success.  This year I set up a facebook group and invited friends and family to support each other as we work toward our goals.  Get yourself support!  It is so much easier to work on things with others than by myself!

I hope these insights help someone, if nothing else, they give you ideas.  Good luck with all your goals for this year!

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

My poor neglected blog.  Its been 5 years.  I do think about you occasionally, my blog. I wonder how you are, if you are lonely.  But I have been selfish and thoughtless. I have ignored the call to visit (and to tell the truth, I wasn't sure I could remember how to get back to you).  Well, that will change in 2017!

Yes, my blog, we will be reunited once again.  I will spend a few minutes at least with you every week.  I will post, maybe something about a book I am reading, perhaps a quip about keeping my goals, possibly a joke or riddle.  But I will post (or try) at least once a week.

Dear blog, you have been so patient with me, so trusting, and for that, I thank you!  It will not be in vain!